Lethal Weapon / L'arme fatale
(existe en version US & PAL)

Codes Action Replay
7E02 1E66 = munitions infinies
7E02 2203 = clips infinis
7E02 2606 = vies infinies
7E0D 2830 = temps infini

Codes Game Génie
DB8F-DF64       More bullets in magazine
DD8D-D7A4       Infinite magazines
D4CA-A7AF       Pick up 2 magazines for 1
D0CA-A7AF       Pick up 4 magazines for 1
DB6A-AF6F       Start with more magazine clips
DF6A-AF6F       Start with less magazine clips
148B-6F0F       Slower timer
FE8B-6F0F       Faster timer
C285-670F       Stop timer
4ABE-AFD7       Infinite badges
D162-A7DF       Start with more badges
DD62-A7DF       Start with fewer badges
3CBD-04DF       Super jump--can get stuck